Usually, it is your friends who will notice first if your partner is taking advantage of your generous nature, so never has it been more important to remember the old adage “Bros before Hoes”, or indeed the 21 st century equivalent “Sisters Before Misters.” You can also check out the handy list below to see if your current girlfriend shows any of these common signs of being a gold digger. But all joking aside, it can be hard work to figure out which girls are genuine and which are only after the expensive gifts and lavish lifestyle you can offer.Īnd let’s not forget, of course, that in this day of more s*xual equality, men can be gold diggers too, preying on well-paid career women who are hearing the loud ticking of their biological clocks! Kanye West had a few lighthearted thoughts on this matter in his 2009 hit. How do you know if the woman you are seeing is interested in you or just your money? How do you know if she’s a gold digger?
But this successful lifestyle of yours should also come with a health warning when it comes to dating. If you happen to be a successful and wealthy young man, well, kudos to you.